2023 Conference Videos Are Live!
Couldn't attend a talk that had your interest? Experience it now!
Thanks to the team at Aaron Pate Media, our 2023 Carolina Code Conference talks are now live on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter! Detailed speaker and session descriptions can be found at the 2023 Speaker Announcements.
Morning Sessions

Charles Nutter
Keynote // Bringing Ruby to the JVM: Making the Impossible Possible
Social: [ @headius, headius.com, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Sessionize ]
Sean Reid
Intermediate // How a Design System can help Developers and Designers (mostly) Maintain Product Sanity
Social: [ torchcodelab.com, LinkedIn ]
Kevin Feasel
Intermediate // Does This Look Weird? An Introduction to Anomaly Detection
Social: [ @feaselkl, curatedsql.com, catallaxyservices.com, LinkedIn, Sessionize ]
Nate Argaw
Lightning // The Power of 3D on the Web and Introduction to Three.js
Social: [ @nate_dev_ ]
John Wessel
Lightning // What's Special About Snowflake?
Social: [ agreeabledata.com, LinkedIn ]
Stephanie Cushing
Intermediate // “Be Curious, Not Judgemental”
Social: [ LinkedIn ]
Lunch and Early Afternoon Sessions

Joey Loman
Lightning // Make it real
Social: [ synergymill.com, LinkedIn, Sessionize ]
Lelia King
Lightning // State of the tech talent ecosystem
Social: [ buildcarolina.org, LinkedIn, Sessionize ]
Bruce Tate
Keynote // Loop
Social: [ @redrapids, grox.io, LinkedIn, Instagram ]
Benjamin Trent
Lightning // Java must be faster, time for the Vector API
Social: [ @benwtrent, LinkedIn, Github ]
Matt Hamann
Intermediate // From Carolina to Y Combinator - Lessons learned getting into YC
Social: [ @mhamann, rownd.com, LinkedIn, Sessionize ]
Amar Chheda
Lightning // Accelerating QA using Deep learning
Social: [ orangebees.com, Medium, LinkedIn ]
Late Afternoon Sessions