HackGreenville is launching the pilot of its new “quarterly-ish” meetup format this Thursday night, hosted by OpenWorks! Hack Greenville Nights will offer a community meetup with multiple speakers, discussion of community topics of interest and ample social time.
“For 2023, we're focusing on coordinating our local organizers to revive and improve the local meetup scene. This includes the formation of HackGreenville Labs, where volunteers will continue developing tools that promote the area's non-commercial initiatives.”
- Jim Ciallella, OpenWorks
Plus a taco bar with something for everybody thanks Simply Binary! You can show up hungry to eat and learn, then count on leaving well fed on both counts. Thanks to all of the speakers and volunteers for leading this effort to re-ig-”night” the community!
Space is limited, so please register if you plan to attend. Follow HackGreenville Community on Meetup to be the first to know about these events as they happen!
Fall Schedule
6:00 - 6:15 - Social with Food from Simply Binary
6:15 - 6:20 - Sponsor Intro & Brief Community Announcements
6:20 - 6:50
Room 1: System Level Thinking by Pete Broderick
Room 2: How to Sanely Test Complex Systems by Robert Roskam
+ Quick Intro to Synergy Mill Project Opportunities by Joey Loman
6:50 - 7:00 - Break
7:00 - 7:40
Room 1: Cooking Up Better Applications with Inspiration from the Culinary World by Ryan Lanciaux
Room 2: Development Tooling with Laravel by Zach Robichaud
+ Quick Intro to HG Labs Project Opportunities by Olivia Sculley
7:40 - 8:00 - Social with ice cream bars by host OpenWorks
Speaker Notes
We can’t promote this event without a few details to highlight the speakers.
Robert Roskam will be giving his talk that was originally scheduled for this year’s Carolina Code Conference. Unfortunately, Robert was unable to present due to extenuating circumstances so we’re glad to see the opportunity.
Ryan Lanciaux has wasted no time becoming a presence in this community since he arrived, offering significant professional help to the Carolina Code Conference including designing the conference logo. He’s also published a book, Modern Front-end Architecture: Optimize Your Front-end Development with Components, Storybook and Mise en Place Philosophy that’s available on Amazon.

Pete Broderick is sure to offer some sage and well tested wisdom with his talk. He and Justin Nash from Simply Binary have been a friend of the tech community in Greenville for years, sponsoring numerous meetups and events…including this one as a case in point. They’ve also run the Upstate Ruby and Upstate Elixir meetups.
Zach Robichaud has been a helpful presence in the Hack Greenville Slack for a long time now, regularly chiming in with great advice around effective development with Laravel. A thoughtful and encouraging contributor to HG Labs as well.

Joey Loman will discuss Synergy Mill and Olivia Sculley will introduce Hack Greenville Labs to us. Both are staples of Greenville’s active tech community who we all hope to hear more from in the future. Olivia even made these awesome glowing signs for Hack Greenville…at Synergy Mill!
Joey also gave a lunch hour address about Synergy Mill during the Carolina Code Conference, which you can watch here if you’d like to learn more.
Come and Get Your T-Shirts!
I will also have the extra Carolina Code Conference 2023 t-shirts available for sale at the event if anyone would like to purchase or needs pickup a previous order.
And thank you
Also a big thank you to HackGreenville and OpenWorks for sponsoring this year’s Carolina Code Conference. The event would not have happened without the support of this wonderful community.
Hope to see you there!