You’ve probably already guessed this by the graphics on the blog thus far…but I’m not a designer. I still need some type of header graphics for the conference though.
People in the Hack Greenville Slack were discussing Carbon, a tool to create images from code. That seemed to fill the gap, so I created a simple Ruby code blurb about the conference and started using it across our LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts. There’s also another using
Here’s the Ruby version.
# Conference welcome payload in Ruby
def welcome_to(conference_date =, 8, 19))
name: "Carolina Code Conference #{conference_date.year}",
tagline: "A polyglot conference for all who code!",
date: conference_date,
location: "1 N. Main St, Greenville, SC 29601",
venue: "Greenville ONE",
website: "",
call_for_speakers_begin:, 4, 11)
But this isn’t a Ruby conference, it’s a Polyglot (multi-language) Conference! So I’d love to get some additional submissions. A few folks have already come through.
Matthew T. gave us a Rust version…
Then Derek W gave us a Go version and even dropped it into the Go dev playground to make it runnable!
Sean R jumped in and added Javscript version too that’s also runnable using CodeSandbox.
Make a version in your favorite language and we’ll share and tag you on your preferred social media account! We’ll also be periodically rotating these headers through on our various social accounts.
Call for Speakers being April 11th!
Stay tuned!