Now that the 2023 Call for Speakers is officially open until May 25th, we wanted to share some inspiration from prior conferences.

You can find a lot more pictures from 2018 on our Instagram.
Talks from 2018
Here are the speakers from our inaugural year as a conference at The Brickyard.
David Berry - Pluralsight
Unit Testing Things That Are Hard To Test
Some things like File IO and HTTP calls are hard to test meaning they don't get the test coverage they should. This can lead to hard to find bugs, especially in tricky failure scenarios. I'll show how you can write tests for these scenarios and how that results in a better quality code base.
Jeremy Smith - HYBRD
Solo: How to Build and Manage Successful Web Apps By Your Lonesome
You're building a web app alone. How do you ensure project success? We'll look at the pros and cons of working solo, the kinds of projects that are well-suited, strategies for professional growth, and development and operational processes that will save you time and help you sleep better at night.
Cameron Presley - SentryOne
How To Have Code Reviews Developers Actually Want
Are your code reviews useful? Do you feel that you're learning something new and issues are being caught? Or are they just a rubber stamp? Let's make code reviews effective again!
In this talk, I'll give you some tips and tricks to have valuable code reviews for you and your team.
Bhakthi Liyanage - Bank of America Merrill Lynch
How to become a Jedi: Introduction to Mind Machine Interfacing using Brain Activity(EEG) and Azure IoT
Come and learn how to control your surrounding like a Jedi with your brain power!!!
J Scott Chapman - Stratus Data Systems, Big Sky Code Academy
Monkey at the Machine: How human biology puts us at odds with being a knowledge worker and how to overcome it.
From our early history we've been great noticers of changes in our environment. Pair that penchant for "shiny things" with a constant barrage of interruptions both of our own doing and from others and it can be difficult to get anything done.
Barry Jones - dmarcian
Repeating History...on Purpose...with Elixir
A dive into what makes Elixir the ideal language for the web, what makes it special that can't be duplicated in other languages, and how the problems most languages are trying to address today were solved 30 years ago.
Grayson Hicks - mediacurrent
Dive into Styled Components
Leave your flames and preconceptions about CSS-in-JS at the door. I love CSS and JS no matter who's where. I'll talk about the benefits of, and why I love, the styled-components library. I'll show you the fundamental power of styled-components, and illustrate why it's my favorite complement to JSX.
Talks from 2019
And here’s the schedule from our 2019 event at the NEXT building.
Richard Lawson - American Credit Acceptance
Things to know before joining (or starting) a startup
Options, equity vs salary, liquidation events, venture capital, work/life balance, which technology to use, it’s all so confusing! Let a guy who co-founded a failed startup and who was CTO of Greenville’s largest startup give you the facts you need to decide if you want the #startuplife.
Doug Cone -
Planning to Scale
What you can do to prepare your site/app for going viral, or just living in the cloud. We'll discuss architecture, caching, data structure, and why devops and webops matter.
Barry Jones - Dmarcian
What to Expect When You're Emailing
A walk through of email authentication with DMARC for the beginner. We’ll cover the basics of how email works, why spam and phishing are everywhere, how companies like Google work to stop it and how you can protect your own domains while improving their deliverability. In a fun way.
Christina Roberts - Dmarcian
Mentors, internships, and the magic of helping people grow
The thought of entering the technology field seems as impossible as winning the lottery and that is the problem. Every community needs to increase their effectiveness to raise up new developers, stronger businesses, and a sustainable technology career path. How does that happen? Mentors!
Steven Wade - Follow Up Boss
8 Simple Rules for Consuming APIs
Everyone wants to show you how to build an API, but all too often, the bread and butter is in consuming and integrating with someone else’s API. I’ve seen many integrations with APIs, some bad, some worse. That’s where these “rules” come in. Maintain your sanity and add reliability with these rules.
Robert Roskam - Peerfit
The State of Async Web Frameworks
Provide an overview of coroutines (AKA async, greenthreads, or coroutines). Show which languages are providing support. Brief code snippets of the overall syntax and model supported for selected languages and further demo in popular web frameworks.
Emma D'Arcy - ClickDimensions
Imposter Syndrome - It's All In Your Head!
Every person I have ever worked with has experienced Imposter Syndrome at some point in their career. In this talk I’ll share my experience with Imposter Syndrome and what I’m doing to overcome the sentiment. Because it really is all in your head.