Easy come, Easy Go, will you let me...Code a T-shirt?
Bohemian Rhapsody is our winner for this year. Now it's time to make it happen!
After initial set of 20 nominated songs and 2 rounds of voting, the winner of this year’s Lyrical Code challenge is Bohemian Rhapsody.
We knew it was going to happen eventually since the Bohemian Rhapsody as code shirt inspired this entire contest anyway. Now we get to put our own spin on it by making it into a polyglot version with all of your favorite languages.
While you can feel free to use the original shirt for inspiration, we definitely encourage you to get creative. The goal of the shirt is to have a reader sing the song in their head while they read. It’s a cool experience if they already know the lyrics and can even help to make sense of some code.
See our Don’t Stop Believing version for some examples, like this Perl snippet for this line…
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night
sub living() { $night =~ /emotion/; } # Perl
We’ll use the same Github repo as before with the same instructions for pull requests right there in the README.
The deadline for entries this year will be June 1st! We’re cutting it earlier this year because it was a bit of a squeeze with production time last year.
The most creative entry will win a free ticket to the conference this year!
Submissions begin, right now!